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Rhode Island Helps Us Help You

Being based in Rhode Island positions Blackburn Labs to better serve you.

First, RI is very proactive in supporting their technology companies with their many great programs and organizations. For example, as a software company in Providence, we are able to be members of great RI organizations like the Tech Collective. They offer dozens of excellent programs, trainings, and workshops. It’s through them our team becomes certified scrum masters. As Allyson Cote, COO and co-founder of Maternova, recently told Rhode Island Inno, “Providence has the good fortune to be home to many incubators, accelerators, and possesses an entrepreneurial spirit like few cities can boast.”

Rhode Island street sign on a sunny day.
Allyson Cote, COO and Co-Founder Maternova

Providence has the good fortune to be home to many incubators, accelerators, and possesses an entrepreneurial spirit like few cities can boast.

Allyson Cote
COO and Co-Founder Maternova

Our state’s support of innovation and technology becomes evident with a report from the RI Department of Labor and Training which found that STEM occupations are projected to grow at almost twice the pace of other occupations in RI between 2014 and 2024. This dedication has led to many great advantages for technology companies like as ours, as shown in a study by Seek Capital which found that the Providence metro area has the third-highest concentration of female-led startups in the country. Blackburn Labs has felt this support directly as well, like when we received a letter from RI Governor Gina Raimondo recognizing our work and when the Providence Business News interviewed our CEO.

Although our clients are spread across the nation, being within driving distance of Boston, New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey offers us easy access to the hotbeds of innovation for many industries like Health Care, Real Estate, Education, Finance, and many others. Being positioned here helps us stay connected and well informed, which is why we are especially proud when something like our virtual healthcare app is featured in the local Boston news.

If you’d like to know more about how we can help you innovate and grow your business, schedule time with us.