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Don’t Suck at AI: Featuring Dr. Mark Benson & Rob Blackburn

Listen to Dr. Mark Benson and Rob Blackburn as they talk about how their joint AI project will become an app that will change the future of cardiology and virtual healthcare.

As icons in AI telehealth, you’ll see exactly how these two gentlemen make for a powerhouse combination on John Lindsey’s podcast, “Episode 3: Don't SUCK at AI“. Their app is a game-changing tool that supports decision-making processes in medical therapy, optimizes patient care, and leverages accessibility.

In this episode, Dr. Mark Benson, Director of Preventive Cardiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, points out the challenges of helping those with hypertension achieve their goal blood pressures and how this collaborative app can help.

Don't Suck at AI podcast featuring Dr. Mark Benson & Robert Blackburn

Ultimately, the app will give providers accurate, data-driven solutions with complete transparency – a very efficient tool to aid them in their work. Dr. Benson adds, “One thing Rob and I have been spending a lot of time thinking about is providing as much feedback as we can to the end-user about how the decisions are being made…if it’s not something that they would have done that they can understand…they can see how the decision came about…The benefit of that is it becomes a teaching aid…and we get feedback. “

John Lindsey talking into microphone on podcast.
There are two things that really stuck out to me about Blackburn Labs…the first was the loyal client following that they were able to establish (…). I’ve read story after story about how Rob and the Blackburn Labs team specced out AI solutions that the clients needed – they developed and successfully delivered them and in this industry – which is a tough thing to do. The second was a specific AI solution that Blackburn Labs helped develop. I was struck by the big vision regarding how AI can absolutely solve huge healthcare problems.

John Lindsey
Host, Don’t SUCK at AI

Rob Blackburn, CEO of Blackburn Labs, shares how the application will look and behave for end users – it’s all about simplifying the complicated in AI telemedicine. Rob says, “In something like this, I think 'simpler is better' in the delivery…taking the very dense, complicated material that you could sit there and read through, follow through a flowchart, and do it every single time yourself, but a computer is going to do it for you very quickly. It will look like any other app, but the brain behind it is the brain of medical experts.”

Listeners will be impressed with the exciting developments of AI telehealth unveiled in this episode! Go to or use the buttons below to access this show on Apple, Spotify, and Google.

Don't SUCK at AI Podcast

Listen to Episode #3: